Foundation Settling



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Foundation Settling

Foundation settlement occurs when a house begins sinking downward. It is caused by the soil below a home being unstable, causing it to expand and contract, resulting in this sinking movement, or settling, of the house’s foundation. This leads to cracks in interior and exterior surfaces, most often on the foundation or on walls and ceilings.

Foundation settling is an issue that happens with most homes and is one of the biggest threats to any structure, especially when not dealt with appropriately or in a timely manner.

Main Causes Of Foundation Settlement

Signs of Foundation Settlement

Common signs of foundation settlement include, but aren’t limited to, the following:

Foundation Settling FAQS

How serious is foundation settling?

All foundations will settle into the soil slightly after they’re built. This usually isn’t a problem as long as the settlement is uniform. That is, when all sections of the foundation are settling into the soil at the same rate. Problems develop when the foundation is settling into the soil unevenly. This is called differential settlement. Differential settlement is serious and can cause severe structural damage.

Foundation Settlement

When should I worry about foundation settling?

You should worry when your foundation is experiencing differential settlement. Differential settlement will worsen if it isn’t stopped and will eventually lead to severe structural damage. Therefore, you’ll save money on repair costs by catching the problem early.

How can I prevent my home’s foundation from settling?

Since most foundation problems are caused by excess moisture in the ground around the foundation, you can go a long way toward preventing foundation issues by getting groundwater around the foundation under control. Some ways to do that include the following:

How much foundation settling is OK? 

No amount of differential settlement is OK. Even a slight amount of differential settlement puts tremendous stress on a foundation and can lead to severe structural damage. If it isn’t corrected, the problem will worsen and you’ll end up paying more for the repair.

How many years does it take for a house to settle? 

As we noted above, all structures will settle into the soil slightly after they’re built. This process usually takes 1-2 years. So long as the settlement is uniform, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. The problem is differential settlement.