Today, consumers expect more than great products and services from the companies they do business with. We, as consumers, also like to get to know the company, the mission, the owners, and what the business stands for when we choose to do business with them.
Research from Cone Communications/Echo Global reported that 90% of shoppers worldwide are likely to switch to brands that support a good cause. Consumers aren’t the only ones who share these values. Net Impact’s report finds 51% of workers say that helping “make a better world” and “contribution to society” are essential qualities of their ideal job. While the benefits of corporate volunteerism can materialize in many ways, it has been shown to boost morale, build employee loyalty, and expand employee skills.
While statistics help describe the benefits of being a volunteer contributor to your community, nothing is as rewarding as experiencing community volunteerism first hand. Here is an example.
This winter, Dave Epp felt our company was big enough to really give back to Lincoln in a meaningful way. In our business, Dave often sees families who desperately need foundation work to restore healthy living environments. Epp Foundation Repair also recognizes that needed repairs can be financially out of reach for some. Dave devised a solution. Knowing that during the typically slower business months of winter, his staff would have the time to carry out a plan to provide a local family with much needed and FREE basement repair.
Little did Dave know that his staff would surprise him as well. As he rolled his idea for the Basement With a Purpose out at a staff meeting, our staff enthusiastically offered up our personal time toward the project. Dave didn’t expect that and was even more invigorated by the generous response of his Epp Foundation Repair staff.
Another unexpected contribution was made by Matt of McLaughlin Masonry, who brought his talent and expertise to the Basement with a Purpose project by installing an egress window for the family, free of charge. Matt’s donation of time and materials has further increased the project benefits by providing the recipient family with the option of setting up a legal bedroom in their repaired basement.
Dave met with our marketing company to make sure the message of a FREE basement repair got out to the public in order to reach a very deserving family. Together, we decided to launch a nomination campaign via social media. It was a huge success! Many deserving people were nominated and the top three were voted on by the public through the social media campaign.
In January, the votes were counted and declared that the Joy Mullendore Family, of nine (9) people, would be the recipient of FREE essential basement repairs. The Facebook live video shows the emotion of gratitude that Joy and her family expressed when Dave Epp and his father, Phil, personally delivered the heart-warming, welcomed news.
When complete, the Basement with a Purpose project will have fixed leaking and bowed walls and installed an egress window for the Mullendore Family. Beyond the project specifications, the bigger picture reflects the best in the community of Lincoln. We are a community that loves and cares for its own, are generous in spirit, and continues to be a great place for families! Epp Foundation Repair appreciates everyone who participated in this outstanding venture.
Watch the Facebook Live video announcing the winner of the 2017 Epp Foundation Repair Basement With a Purpose winner and follow the project through to completion on social media!
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